A story that unfolds in the light is brought through the lens of a camera in a sensitive medium. He has done more than 500 commercial advertisements, and had been behind the camera for a number of tele dramas. He was the camera man in films such as “Boradiya Pokuna” and “Karma”. In his film “Sankara” he highlighted the moods very competently. He is a teacher in cameraman ship and lighting at the university.
For along time Rupavahini had the reputation of producing the most no of internal productions. Rupavahini was able to produce Tele dramas and musical productions that can be identified as its own. He was instrumental in bringing about programs such asĀ “Miyuru Sara” and “Wasanthaye Miyuru Sara” and other programs that won awards. Although he was competent in producing live studio programs and documentaries his first love was music. He is a pioneer who could capture the rhythm of music in his editing, and has become an expert in it. He comes with more than 18 years of program producing for television in Sri Lanka.
Identifying Basic Shots
The basic shots any one should know, who intends to communicate through picture frames. The names of the shots and the effects of the images, lens, camera, mount, subject, shots,
1. Simple shots - There are nine basics
2. Complex shots
3. Developing shots
4. Picture composition
5. Line of action.